What does a "student union" mean to you? For some, by definition, it may mean an organisational body that is composed of students that look out for the interests of the students that they represent - which typically is the students of one particular campus, institution, an entire university, or even more, that have willingly or sometimes, were forced into joining. And for some, a student union may mean a variety of other things: a group of students that assist in with organizing student life, student sports, campaigns, or acts as the watchdog for the university's administration. At Stockholm University, a student union can mean all sorts of things nowadays. In the fall of 2010, our student union was no longer one that you had to join, but joined to stay active in student affairs, have your SL pass cheaper, or to have a spot in line for SSSB. The student union must now find ways to make up for the loss of members, make sure that they keep joining, and really make itself stand out as a body that is in touch with the students it wishes to represent. But judging by TIP candidate Andreas Nordang Uhre's recent debate column in Gaudeamus, it seems as if some actions of the student union weren't well thought out in council meetings, now they're walking backwards on egg shells as the year end approaches very quickly. But who looks out for these actions, and even accepts them? Surely the student council would be more aware of these things.
Take a look at the article here titled "SUS - Selling us short?"

Refering to the article: Some may see a problem with this, and some may not, but for TIP, we believe in well thought out actions coming out of council meetings, and timely actions that relate with the current state of affairs at the university. If students at Stockholm University only view the student union as a discounts and goodies from big companies with questional labour practices, is that the kind of image that we should be satisfied with? TIP doesn't think so, and we'll make sure that our opinions are heard in council when we're elected in May.
Kyle Verboomen
Kyle Verboomen
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