Saturday, May 28, 2011

Everyone interested is welcome,
don't miss out!

The Semi-Annual meeting is the perfect place to get to know more about TIP, and if you feel like it - get involved. 

During the meeting we will elect a new Board of Directors (as stated in § 4 in our by-laws: We will also look into who will represent TIP in the board of Stockholm University Student Union.

It is very important to find people for these positions so please tell all your friends who you think would be interested. It is not required that you are already a member of TIP.

We welcome all current members as well as everyone curious about The International Party. 
Hope to see you all at Restaurant Professorn, Lappis on Monday - 18:00!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Negotiations are underway

Greetings fellow TIP members and everyone else following our blog and our student party from across the world.

As partiombud of TIP I feel it is my responsibility to let you all know what is going on at the moment.

The Student Union Election results were finalized over a week ago and since Monday the 16th of May the different parties that received seats in the Student Union Council, have been in negotiations for the upcoming year and the upcoming student council meeting that will occur on June 9th. On this student council meeting the 41 seats that define the student union council will be filled with persons that were selected to sit there based on the election results. TIP received 7 seats and will therefore contribute with seven people.

During this student council meeting the Student Union Board will also be formed and this board will exist of at least 7 people. Depending of the size of the board TIP will be represented in it based on the D´hont method, so it will all depend on how many people sit in the board. The President and the Vice-President are also included in the Student Union Board.

However, to select a President and Vice-President, and a Student Union Board, a coalition of at least 21 seats needs to be formed. This 21 or +21 seat coalition is called a majority coalition and will also be the coalition that sits down and works out a strategic plan as well as a budget plan.

As of now negotiations are underway and the different partiombuds’ of each party meet and discuss possible outcomes and possible coalition formations, with different demands and insights, of course.

Do you have any questions about what is going on at the moment? Feel free to send me an email or we can discuss your inquiries further on the upcoming TIP-meeting on May the 30th.

Sebastian Lindholm

Saturday, May 14, 2011

We thank you with all of our hearts. Please welcome your new team!

We love you - all of you.

As you can imagine, after 2 1/2 months of hard work, building a new party for Stockholm University, we're without much words after the incredible election results. :) Last night at 7 something PM at Nobelhuset, with the company of all members of every party, the election results were presented in style. We didn't have any expectations, but as you can see, your voices came through. We're going to need the weekend to soak everything in, and we'll come back with a summary of our experiences and hopes for TIP in the 2011-2012 student council.

We thank those that took the time to vote for us. We thank all of those that truly thought about their decision when voting. We thank everyone who supported us with their words, warmth and advice. We thank everyone that participated.

We didn't have much of a budget, we did it without giving away any incentives, we did it without years of experience or a base: we did it with your voices, your ideas, and a whole lot of energy!

We are extremely delighted to introduce the new SUS Team 2011-2012 that will represent all of you in next year's student council. There is a good lot of 41 student council members that are excited to work hard as a team for the interests of you all and for the greater good of the university.

View the entire 2011 Student Union Election results HERE.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

TIP on Social and Communications

TIP representatives Kyle Verboomen, Sebastian Lindholm & Kseniia Beznos on the topic of Social and Communications and what TIP plans to do to help. Go here to read more about our platform goals.

TIP on Internationalization

TIP representatives Hanyun Ren, Sadiq Malik & Sebastian Lindholm on the topic of Internationalization and what TIP plans to do to help. Go here to read more about our platform goals.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

TIP Skills

It's official, ladies and gentlemen

we have it all

Vote for The International Party

Dear reader,

Election week is upon us and we are only hours away from the start of the most exiting five days yet in the lifetime of this great gathering and unification we are a part of called The International Party.

I encourage everyone with the right to vote in the Student Union Election of Stockholm University to cast their vote in this year’s election, and I encourage you to vote for The International Party.

When we started this party some months ago it was something that had been built up for a while and when the first spark of fire lit up I realized that we were creating something significant, something lasting, and something that we, the people involved, are doing for ourselves, but mostly for the sake and the benefit of others.

Dear reader, I can assure you that everyone involved in this party will work their asses off to improve this university, and your student union, our student union. We will make the union visible again, on and off campus. We will make sure that the union takes a standpoint in issues relating to your life and your university.
We will engage with you and not without you and keep our council transparent working with bridging divides between all students and not just some.

Dear reader, if you have the right to vote in the upcoming student election at Stockholm University, please make use of your democratic privilege and cast your vote for The International Party.

We will do everything we can to make sure you get value for your vote.

Sebastian Lindholm
Partiombud and Representative

You can vote in the Stockholm University Student Union Election between the 9th and 13th of May. Find out more on:

Thursday, May 5, 2011

TIP ♥ Earth Week

The International Party is proud of positive initiatives on campus that aim towards empowering students and contributing to the greater constructive dialogue of improving our University. Earth Week has taken a student event to the next level. A week long event celebrating the earth and our University's initiatives to move forward in its sustainability, this week has been based purely on the voluntary efforts of students like you and me, gladly contributing their time so that we can enjoy something unique, fun, and informative. What was originally initiated by TIP representatives Nina Bounou & Kyle Verboomen is now being continued on by TIP representative, Elissa Berrill. We embrace this event and wish it all of the best during one of the most happening weeks that Stockholm University has ever seen. This will be the 2nd Annual Earth Week, and we know it will be here to last.
Read their recent blog post or check out their impressive webpage.

Go environment, and Yes to student engagement.

Kyle Verboomen, TIP Representative

TIP braves wind and rain, while other parties hide at home

Do you know what is going on right now? The campaigning week prior to
the elections has started on Sunday!

Did you notice posters from different parties being putted everywhere
around on campus or maybe even near your student housing areas? How
many of them have you seen being in English? Or maybe you have even
spotted some in your own language? If so, I bet it were the posters of
The International Party! And you know what it means: we represent all
the students, both Swedish and Internationals.

Nevertheless, campaigning week is not only about hanging up the
posters. It is all about being visible to students, communicating with
them about the ideas that parties are standing for.

Therefore, tuesday, the 3rd of May, was the first day when TIP has
set a tent on the road from Tunnellbana and some of our
representatives and board members have been there for you – students
of SU. We should admit that the weather is not really suitable for
staying outside for a long time, but it didn’t stop us. And we were
there the last days; we are there today we will be there tomorrow, and
during the whole election week (9th - 13th of May) as well.

We have prepared for you a lot of interesting information and fun,
creative ways to explain our platform goals. So just stop by, while
walking to or from the university: say “hi”, ask us questions,
participate in our activities, and express your thoughts, concerns and
ideas. We would really like to meet you and talk to you!

Theme on thursday, the 5th of May:  University Services & Finance
Activities:                                       Music and Balloons
                                                        A cheap and student-run cafeteria
                                                        The "All cards in one" plan
                                                        Informations about all libraries on campus 
Place and time:                              starts 12 o'clock in front of the station 

Kseniia Beznos & Jan Schubert

Sunday, May 1, 2011

New video! We're prepared for a TIP-tastic campaign week.

We have a wonderful surprise for all of you! A brand new video featuring everything that is TIP. Please share this on to your friends, and make sure to encourage them all to come out and vote during election week May 9th - 13th.

We'll be seeing all of you around the University during the next few weeks.


Kyle & Louise