Hej there,
if you are interested in becoming a TIP member, you will finally have the chance to register.
Tomorrow, Friday (April 15th) in room D 315 in Södra Huset. Be there between 2 and 4 pm and talk to our representatives and other active members about TIP's mission and how you can get involved.
If you shouldn't have time tomorrow, do not worry: there will be other registration possibilites during the next weeks: April 19th and 28th. We will keep you posted!
See you soon,
Tine Schwarz

The International Party is based on real solutions to bridge divides between all students. We are a practical party. We will strive towards initiatives that provide all students with greater accessibility to their studies in a more inclusive and participatory environment supported by a transparent council that engages with you, and not without you. We believe in a university that's based on opportunity and equality, and we have the goals and the knowledge to make it happen.
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