Greetings fellow TIP members and everyone else following our blog and our student party from across the world.
As partiombud of TIP I feel it is my responsibility to let you all know what is going on at the moment.
The Student Union Election results were finalized over a week ago and since Monday the 16th of May the different parties that received seats in the Student Union Council, have been in negotiations for the upcoming year and the upcoming student council meeting that will occur on June 9th. On this student council meeting the 41 seats that define the student union council will be filled with persons that were selected to sit there based on the election results. TIP received 7 seats and will therefore contribute with seven people.
During this student council meeting the Student Union Board will also be formed and this board will exist of at least 7 people. Depending of the size of the board TIP will be represented in it based on the D´hont method, so it will all depend on how many people sit in the board. The President and the Vice-President are also included in the Student Union Board.
However, to select a President and Vice-President, and a Student Union Board, a coalition of at least 21 seats needs to be formed. This 21 or +21 seat coalition is called a majority coalition and will also be the coalition that sits down and works out a strategic plan as well as a budget plan.
As of now negotiations are underway and the different partiombuds’ of each party meet and discuss possible outcomes and possible coalition formations, with different demands and insights, of course.
Do you have any questions about what is going on at the moment? Feel free to send me an email or we can discuss your inquiries further on the upcoming TIP-meeting on May the 30th.
Sebastian Lindholm

The International Party is based on real solutions to bridge divides between all students. We are a practical party. We will strive towards initiatives that provide all students with greater accessibility to their studies in a more inclusive and participatory environment supported by a transparent council that engages with you, and not without you. We believe in a university that's based on opportunity and equality, and we have the goals and the knowledge to make it happen.
Sebastian for president!