Automn semester (höstterminen) means that meeting are coming back !
First Student Union Council (Fullmäktige) of the semester the 29th of september when we will proudly defend our motions : equality among students, transparency and environmental issues. The reason of our creation has roots in this council, now we are working hard to make our aim true !
Then, we have two meetings on different dates in the following weeks, which is more flexible for everyone to make a choice J
1. 3rd, October, Monday, 17.00.
The International Party will have a meeting especially for the new people. We want to meet you, hear what you want, know what you need, and listen to your ideas and suggestions. In here, you can be an active member, or just ordinary member, it is still encouraging if you just want to come in some of our meetings time to time. Remember, everything from you is important for TIP.
Also, we will invite our TIP Representatives; after a briefly introduction of TIP, you will have a chance to know the TIPPER’s interesting works and experiences. Or even subscribe to a working group ! J
2. 4th, October, Tuesday. Students Club Expo. 10.00am – 16.00pm.
If you miss above meetings (or even if you were there), you still have a chance to know TIP. In the Students Club Expo, you can come to our table, we are willing to tell you what we are doing and why we need you. You can find more information on here: activites/club-expo