Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Partiombud speaks #1

It's time to give our first report of what we're really up to. We've done a lot since this term's semi-annual meeting and here's a recap of all that's going on. Enjoy!


This is the first installment of our new, monthly newsletter aptly titled ‘the Partiombud speaks’. As you will recall, a monthly report by the Partiombud was requested by this term’s semi-annual meeting in order to improve the internal information flow, so this is my humble attempt at writing one. Because this is the first issue, I’ll talk a little bit about some things that happened prior to October as well. Here we go!

The second student council (Fullmäktige) of this academic year took place September 29th. Preparations went well, some of us met up with the Economists a couple of days before to coordinate, consult and discuss issues in general, and the full TIP crew had our pre-game meeting that same day in order to discuss the agenda and coordinate our voting. TIP presented two motions, derived from our platform. It was rumored that these were the first two motions proposed by fullmäktige over the past three years, so TIP is already making a difference. However, after some fairly lively debating, our motion to make SUS pursue climate neutrality as a goal for SU was voted down. The motion to extend the weekly newsletter to all SU students and not just the internationals was also rejected on the grounds that the student union is already working to implement this. Few particulars were offered from the presidents, and Elissa and Katharina, our guys on the board, will surely continue to push for it.

October 3rd saw the first introduction/recruitment meeting of the year. All of one new person showed up, so there might be room for some improvements in our external communication.

On October 17th, this term’s semi-annual meeting took place. A new board was elected, consisting of Romulo Pellegrini, Anya Karlsson and Pilvi Saricosqui, presentations of whom will be up on the website shortly. I, Andreas Nordang Uhre, was elected to replace Sebastian as Partiombud. Changes were made to our by-laws, and Elissa Berrill was finally confirmed to replace Raphaelle as our guy on the SUS board. Katharina Huhn takes Elissa’s place as substitute. Huge thanks the outgoing board, partiombud and SUS board members – you’ve done a tremendous job and we’re all grateful!

October 20th marked another great day in TIPstory, when the SUS board finally confirmed our status as a kårförening. At the moment of writing it’s not entirely clear what this will mean to us apart from making funds available for our many activities during the year and (probably) making it easier for us to book rooms, participate in things etc.

On November 2nd, the first board meeting with the new board took place, minutes from which is underway and will be up on the website before you know it. This was followed by a motion meeting in preparation for the final student council of 2011, which takes place November 30th. This means that the last chance to forward motions is November 15th, so keep the good ideas flowing. A couple of things are in the works, but any and all suggestions are welcome. Let’s keep the pressure up and the debate on campus alive!

Until next time, folks!

Andreas Nordang Uhre

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