By-Laws :: amended March 24th, 2011
§ 1. Mission Statement
1. The international party is a student party within the Stockholm University Student Union.
§ 2. Membership
1. There are no requirements to membership other than being a member of the Stockholm University Student Union.
2. There are no additional membership fees to join The International Party
3. A member is someone who has been registered in person
4. One can become a member through the following means: registering in person at student union council meetings or at tabling events held several times during the semester.
5. A registered member receives the right to vote during the semi-annual meeting
§ 3. Organization
1. The International Party shall be a voluntary, nonprofit, unincorporated organization operating within the institution of Stockholm University.
§ 4. Semi-Annual Meeting
1. The semi-annual meeting is The International Party's supreme body
2. The semi-annual meeting is held once per semester
3. The semi-annual meeting consists of individual members of The International Party.
4. The semi-annual meeting elects the board of directors, amends the by-laws, reviews monthly briefings by student council members.
§ 5 Members, Committee, and Board
1. The party is led by a board of directors that is democratically elected by its members.
2. The board of directors may not include representatives that are currently voted into the Stockholm University Student Union’s council.
3. All elected representatives must provide monthly reports to its members.
§ 6. Board Meetings
1. The International Party board meetings will be held at least four times a year.
2. Board members and elected representatives are required to attend
3. Board meetings are public
4. Protocols are issued no later than 1 week after the meeting had been held
§ 7. Decision making
1. All decisions require simple majority of people attending the meeting, and ammending by-laws require 2/3 majority.
§ 8. Party Disolution
1. The International Party can be dissolved if two consecutive semi-annual meetings pass identical motions to that effect.
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