How can you get involved when you just can’t grasp the information or the possibility to do so?
The International Party is based on real solutions to bridge divides between all students. We are a practical party. We will strive towards initiatives that provide all students with greater accessibility to their studies in a more inclusive and participatory environment supported by a transparent council that engages with you, and not without you. We believe in a university that's based on opportunity and equality, and we have the goals and the knowledge to make it happen.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Can we cure apathy?
How can you get involved when you just can’t grasp the information or the possibility to do so?
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Platform details are up! Check them out
We believe strongly in having a mission and a plan for each platform goal. No party should make promises or demands without either an incentive or a plan, and we believe that we have just set the standard at Stockholm University.
Check out our Mission & Platform page to learn more about our creative ideas.
Campaign week is coming up, so see you all soon :)
Kyle Verboomen, TIP Representative
Form the future with us
This brings us to Election Week. On May the 9th you, as a member of the Stockholm University Student Union, can cast your vote in this year’s Stockholm University Student Union Election and you can do so up until May the 13th. You can vote either online on the SUS website, by using your Campus Card (Campuskortet) and the information on it, or you can do it the classical way, in a so called poll both on campus. Regardless of whether you act old school or do vote online I encourage you to vote, I also encourage you to vote for TIP, and these are some of the reasons why:
- We will bring back traditional student pubs as we see this as a fundamental installment of the union and something that has occurred for decades and has become a tradition at Stockholm University.
- We will make sure that the Stockholm University Student Union is a present force on campus and actively interact with the students of our university and becomes a transparent organization that actively takes part in political discussions once again.
-We will make sure that a bilingual newsletter is sent out to all Stockholm University Student Union members. This newsletter will act as a great platform and tool for communication as well as draw more students together towards unified events and activities thus ultimately promoting a better atmosphere with a student population that is engaged in their university also outside of the classroom.
I hope that you will vote for TIP the upcoming election, I know that I will.
Sebastian Lindholm - TIP Representative and student at Stockholm University
TIP's Been at It for a While
TIP members are among the most active at Stockholm University, leading and taking part in campus initiatives. Earth Week, Cinema Politica, UF, Symbios, Central International Student Council, and the English Tutoring Programme, are among the many things that our representatives are active in.
TIP has been concerned with the student housing situation in Stockholm for a while. In fact, TIP’s been concerned since…well…before it was even TIP. Here are some media clippings from last summer about some international students who decided to draw attention to the problem, and about the problem in general. Among the students were Heléne Hedberg and Kyle Verboomen, two of TIP’s founding members.
What was accomplished? Twenty accommodation-less international students were provided temporary housing at the campsite. The camp organizers assisted in finding permanent housing for all twenty. This also led to our outpouring of thousands of phone calls from concerned Stockholm residents offering their homes temporarily or long-term to the students of Stockholm. The leading student unions in Stockholm gathered together to form a hotline and database for all of these generous offers of accommodation, it was a real team effort. There was also another, lasting accomplishment: the local and national media took to the event, giving Stockholm’s student housing situation the attention it needs. An initiative like this has not been seen for some time at Stockholm University.
Monday, April 18, 2011
A piece of advice from TIP on Gaudeamus
Friday, April 15, 2011
Asking the Students
TIP is a practical party and we are interested in the opinions of students of Stockholm University. We care about their problems and difficulties. So we actually went out this week to talk to them in order to ask what they know about the current state of affairs on campus, what they think is lacking and what they experienced that needs to be improved. It was very exciting to get the chance to talk to all these different students. All of them were not just willing to talk and share their ideas, but also there was a will to contribute to the development of a better student society at SU! When you are still thinking that students at Stockholm University do not want to participate in student politics, read their statements below! Most of them just didn't know that student politics exist here or what the Student Council is actually doing. | ||
Name: Gabriella Rondahl | ||
Origin: Sweden | ||
Field of Studies: Law | ||
“The best way would be to integrate all the international students with Swedish students. So, perhaps, send out a news letter that is posted in both English and Swedish, so that all the international students and Swedish students are brought together.” | ||
Name: Abouzar Jalalian | ||
Origin: Iran | ||
Field of Studies: Marketing | ||
“I was a student of an International program and, I would say, 90 percent of the information that we received, and these were necessary for managing our studies, were in Swedish.” | ||
Name: Mawindu Dhillon | ||
Origin: Sweden | ||
Field of Studies: English Literature | ||
“I have been to English literature classes and there are a lot of foreign students there, but it’s not like the university is doing anything to connect them [with the Swedish students]. So you don’t have these events, like you have in other universities, that (…) really make them come together.” | ||
Name: Fredrika Olausson | ||
Origin: Sweden | ||
Field of Studies: French | ||
About the existence of student politics at SU and the upcoming elections: “The fact is I didn’t know that there were any student politics. It’s not very visual. If we haven’t seen it, then it means that they are not out talking to students. Well, it’s not anything that you get to know about when you inscribe yourself at the university.” | ||
Name: Julia Hackman | ||
Origin: Sweden | ||
Field of Studies: French | ||
About the Student Council: “We need a common place for all the students to sort of gather. There are so many different, separate organizations that exist in their own little sphere and there is no communication outside of that. Or it’s very difficult to have communication outside of that because you don’t know where to go. So you should have some place for all the student organizations to meet. And then you could be more open.” | ||
Name: Metuge Ekane | ||
Origin: Cameroun | ||
Field of Studies: Political Science | ||
About the student life on campus: “There is no fun. You don’t feel like you actually studying at the university. You just come here and just go home. You don’t know your classmates.” | ||
Name: Kerstin Olasog | ||
Origin: Sweden | ||
Field of Studies: Political Science | ||
“It’s just like you study and go home. It’s not like, kind of “student life” that you hear about before you start to go to the university.” | ||
Name: Eugene Lim | ||
Origin: Singapore | ||
Field of Studies: Political Science | ||
About problems upon arrival: “There is no English paper. News papers. It’s all in Swedish!” | ||
Name: Linda Hedenberg | ||
Origin: Sweden | ||
Field of Studies: Criminology | ||
About what needs to be changed: “Maybe it could be more organized; in the university matters.” | ||
Name: Ruchika Sidhwani | ||
Origin: India | ||
Field of Studies: Law | ||
About upcoming elections: “I saw some brochures about that near Tunnelbana. It is all in Swedish, so I guess I just passed it by.” | ||
These students were interviewed by TIP members: Raphaëlle Jamet, Kseniia Beznos, Christine Schwarz and Sadiq Malik |
Thursday, April 14, 2011
if you are interested in becoming a TIP member, you will finally have the chance to register.
Tomorrow, Friday (April 15th) in room D 315 in Södra Huset. Be there between 2 and 4 pm and talk to our representatives and other active members about TIP's mission and how you can get involved.
If you shouldn't have time tomorrow, do not worry: there will be other registration possibilites during the next weeks: April 19th and 28th. We will keep you posted!
See you soon,
Tine Schwarz
Finding Student Housing in Stockholm: A Real Pain in the SSSB is there to help us, right? Not really.
Take this hypothetical. A Swedish student – let’s call him Anders – graduates from secondary school, gynmasiet, and immediately signs up on a student-housing queue in Stockholm. A foreign student – let’s call her Mary – applies to SU in the winter for admission the following fall, and while she applied to the university, she signs up on the same housing queue as Anders. Well, Anders doesn’t go straight from gymnasiet to university, like many Swedish students: he travels for a bit, or maybe he works a job or two, taking probably an entire school year. By the time Anders applies and is accepted to SU, he’s got well over a year in credit days on his queue (i.e. from his June graduation until his admission for the August of the following year, approximately 15 months). Well, by the time Mary is accepted to SU and arrives in Stockholm, she’ll have only 8 or 9 months of credit days, for the time elapsed between her winter application and autumn admission would be, say, December to August. Both Mary and Anders are equally qualified students and are both afforded the right to live and study in Sweden – Anders by being a Swedish citizen, Mary by earning admission to SU and by being granted a student visa by Migrationsverket – but only one is likely to find student housing.
Does this make any sense?
Sure, SSSB has just announced that only those registered with a student union can queue on its list, limiting Anders and putting him on the same playing field as Mary. But the policy is not retroactive, meaning that Anders’s friend – let’s call him Johan, who began queuing right after high school, took three years off, and is now beginning studies at SU – will have over one thousand SSSB credit days while Mary – and, for that matter, Anders – are still at the bottom of the list. All three began their studies at the same time, all three proved student union membership at the same time, but only one is likely to find student housing.
Does this make any sense?
Andreas Kidane, Representative
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
When writing this it is less than a month left to the Stockholm University Student Union Elections and things are heating up. Political debate is on the agenda and tomorrow there is an entire conference day dedicated to student governance and later on during the evening there will be a debate session on the use of nuclear energy.
University magazine Gaudeamus will in their next number feature several articles dealing with the upcoming election. Some are more trivial and their purposes are to inform the students of our university, what is going on prior to the election, and how to vote. Other articles are opinion based pieces criticizing the methods of the election board and the chief electoral officer. Earlier this month there was also an article criticizing an advertising campaign that the student union made in cooperation with Kellogg’s among other things.
All in all this is an interesting time to be a student at Stockholm University and I hope that more and more students becomes aware of what is going on, how important this election will be, and ultimately, cast their right to vote on May 9th.
I am proud to be a part of The International Party (TIP) and everything we have done thus far and I am sure that with time come experience and we can only grow stronger from here on now.
Are you interested to become a member of TIP? Do not hesitate, leave a comment on our blog or on Facebook and we will register you. It does not cost you anything but you gain everything.
Sebastian Lindholm
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Important English pages remain outdated
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Satisfied with what you've got?
Take a look at the article here titled "SUS - Selling us short?"
Kyle Verboomen
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Who cares about student politics?
Kyle Verboomen
Monday, April 4, 2011
Learn how you can become an influential student.
It is a great opportunity to meet Swedish and international students and learn about how you can influence your courses and your education here at Stockholm University, how you can work with gender equality or equal oppurtunities, or why not learn about your rights as a student here in Sweden.
This is really useful for all students, in particular those who are part (or trying to become part...!) of a student council, and those that are getting into student politics - everyone should attend!
Preliminary schedule for the day:
09:30- 10:00 Registration and coffee at the Glass Room
10:00-12:00 Seminar on how to work in a student council.
12:00-13:15 Lunch, SUS provides sandwiches
13:15-15:15 Seminar on your rights as a student.
15:15-15:45 Fika!
15:45-16:30 Lecture (In Swedish)
16:30 – Barbecue on campus!
If you wish to join the conference, please fill out the form found below and e-mail it to with “Conference, your name” as the subject line. To learn more about the seminars please reference (seminar 1 and 2). More information will be sent out with the letter of acceptance.
To ensure that as many seminars as possible will be held please send in your form before the 7thof April. Late applications will be taken until the 12th of April as long as there are places left.
Application form for SUS Conference on Student Governance Spring 2011
E-mail address:______________________
Telephone number: ______________________________
I am a member of _____________ (if applicable; student council, student association, and/or student party.)
I study at _____________ (department, institute, and/or program).
Please answer the following questions
I can attend for Seminar 1 kl.09:30-12:00 ____
I want a lunch sandwich ____
If you have any allergies or food preferences please list them here ______________________________
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Leipzig example: You get what you give
- Announced meetings open for everyone and documented for everyone
- Student money has to be used in a transparent and responsible manner
- Representatives have to be present in every meeting of university institutions and publish meeting protocols/minutes as soon as possible
Saturday, April 2, 2011
UBC keeps their students updated
UBC have recently started producing weekly update videos on youtube; what an awesome way to learn about what's happening on campus every week! These videos are a new exciting medium that engages students, keeping them updated and providing them with opportunities to be involved on campus. It's just 45 seconds, but super interactive and engaging. Don't you find?
Connecting with students through different mediums online and on campus is something that TIP plans to do here at Stockholm University. We want to improve connectivity between the union and students and using video updates is a new cool way to do it!
What do you think of having a weekly video update in Swedish with english subtitles? That would be a WIN!
Elissa Berrill
Friday, April 1, 2011
Response to 04/01 Gaudeamus article |
- Click to read Geadeamus article titled "Godkända partier och kritik inom valnämnden"
- Translate with google translate. Copy/paste the text.
*Gaudeamus is the Stockholm University Student Union newspaper